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The Friends We Meet Along the Way

By Jackie Vogen - February 1, 2008
I've often said, "The fish are just a bonus". Now let me explain how I've come to this conclusion. When you think about all the fishermen that you've met through the years, and then think about the friendships that have developed through fishing, you'll have a better appreciation as to why I think this way. My guess would be that you've made many friends through fishing, as fishing and friendships go hand in hand. Yes, there's more to fishing than just catching fish; friendships count, too. Personally, I've made many friends through fishing related activities. And, the friendships that I've developed along the way have had more of a lasting impact than the fish I've caught.

Fishing is my passion, and I'm constantly searching for ways to broaden my horizons. Through fishing clubs, reading, researching, and surfing websites, I've gained knowledge. And, my thirst for knowledge is what led me to Lake-Link website in 2006. My only intention at that time was to use Lake-Link as an additional learning tool; however, Lake-Link has become my number one outdoor resource.

One of the greatest attributes of surfing Lake-Link has been networking with other fishermen. And, it's not difficult to come across other fishermen who share in a common interest. With all of this said, it isn't any wonder that Chitowncrappieman and I hit it off; as we both love to chase crappies. We both live in the Chicagoland area, and through Lake-Link, we've become friends. Chitowncrappieman has devoted most of his adult life chasing crappies. He has the insight and the passion when it comes to crappie fishing. And, if you've ever had the opportunity to chat with Chitowncrappieman, then you're aware of his vault of knowledge when it comes to crappies. Through our conversations, we've discovered that we both like to fish on Kentucky Lake, where he has over twenty years experience. We're always exchanging pictures of crappies that we've landed, and I have to tell you that he's caught plenty of nice slabs over the years. I'm looking forward to getting out this year and fishing with him.

"fishing has provided me with an opportunity to broaden my circle of friends; after all, we share many of the same dreams. "
The first time we met, we got together with our spouses and went to breakfast. Now of course, the majority of our conversations were about fishing. We talked about lakes, lures, rods and reels, and techniques. When it comes to crappie fishing, he's done his homework. It was a very enjoyable get together that I could not believe, lasted almost four hours. We started out with a friendly fishing conversation over breakfast, and the next time I looked up, lunch was being served. Chitowncrappieman is just one of many friends that I've met while interacting on Lake-Link.

I've also made many friends through a fishing club that I belong to, and two close friends that come to mind, are Betty and Marge. They both are avid fishermen and enjoy getting out every chance they get. My friends are both very knowledgeable when it comes to fishing and they've been fishing for many years. I have to give credit to these gals, as they both have landed some nice trophies over the years. They both have a wonderful sense of humor, so it's no surprise when they're around that laughter fills the air. We've taken many fishing trips together and it's always a pleasure to fish with them both. One of the things that I admire the most about these two friends is their love for the sport.

On a personal note, fishing has provided me with an opportunity to broaden my circle of friends; after all, we share many of the same dreams. Enjoy the sport, and remember many friendships are formed between people who have a common interest. So get out there and fish; you can never have too many friends.

I Love what I'm learning and I'm learning what I Love to do. I LOVE TO FISH!

Author Jackie Vogen
Jackie Vogen
My name is Jackie Vogen "aka Redrose4u2" and I'm 50 years old. I live in New Lenox, Illinois. I've been married to my husband and best friend, Ken, for 31 years. We've raised two beautiful daughters, who are now grown up, and have left home. We've recently entered into a new stage in our life; we've become "empty nesters". This new independence has allowed me to discover my passion in life; I LOVE TO FISH! I'm what you would call a "Beginner Fisherwoman" or a "Novice". Besides fishing, I enjoy computers, gardening and photography. Through fishing and photography, I've been able to capture my thoughts, while surrounded in the beauty of the sport. I'm looking forward to sharing my passion with you!
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