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Wisconsin NRB & DNR, Not Political, TRUST ME!!!!!!

9/10/21 @ 9:07 AM
USER SINCE 2/28/13

9/17/21 @ 10:51 PM
USER SINCE 2/16/17

What the DNR has been doing for years is pure partisan politics. They have failed at managing many resources and have ignored hunters input.  And it is the hunters/taxpayers that pay the DNR salaries.  The NRB shows up to do their job, doesn't get paid and does their job well. The DNR doesn't show up, gets paid and fails at managing wildlife.  Hmm which is a better deal for the hunter/taxpayer?

9/17/21 @ 10:24 PM

Currently, the GOP has the majority on the NRB.  When Naas replaces Prehn, the majority will be DNC.   The GOP in the senate know this, and this is the only reason no hearing has been scheduled for Sandy Naas.  

This is 100% partisan politics.   It has nothing to do with natural resources management.   There is no place for partisan politics in natural resource management.

Prehn's best option is to resign his chair and quietly walk away like all the other members of the NRB do when their term expires.

9/17/21 @ 4:08 PM
USER SINCE 2/16/17

A definite win for the letter and intent of the law. Doc Prehn and Kaz will continue their agenda to fight for the hunter doing what is right for the resources.  Too bad the DNR won't show up to the board meeting to do their job which they are paid for. Shameful. Pathetic.  Yes Doc and Kaz are very agenda driven. To improve hunting,  listen to and represent hunter concerns, properly manage the resources. If you are a sportsman and you aren't for these agendas you don't get it. Too bad the dnr can't do the same as the NRB. DNR has failed for years working against hunters and the board.

9/17/21 @ 3:25 PM
USER SINCE 9/25/14

Another win for Hunter Nation and all in WI. If you haven't signed up with Hunter Nation you might want to think about it. They are doing a ton for WI outdoorsman/women!

The legal challenge brought by Wisconsin Attorney General Josh Kaul - a known enemy of hunters and our lifestyle - attempting to remove Natural Resources Board Chairman Dr. Frederick Prehn via the courts was thwarted today when the Dane County Judge overseeing the case ruled in favor of Chairman Prehn maintaining his position.

9/11/21 @ 10:13 PM
USER SINCE 2/16/17

You guys really believe the dnr is doing a good job at managing our wildlife and resources.?  They cant even show up to a board meeting to do their jobs that they are paid for. If they were doing a good job deer hunting wouldn't suck in many areas of the state, small game hunting including grouse hunting wouldn't suck. This states dnr is a joke compared to other states when it comes to managing game and have failed miserably in many areas for many years. The only people trying to improve hunting and manage resources are some members of the natural resource board. The dnr never listens to the hunters as they always think they are the experts and they are not. The only thing dnr manages for is high predator populations.  The dnr is failing at their jobs and they are paid. The nrb members are not paid and doing a much better job at managing/protecting resources that they are passionate about. 

9/11/21 @ 7:15 PM
USER SINCE 2/22/07

Kaz has been and always will be a cancer on the board.  He is the most agenda driven board member in decades.

9/11/21 @ 5:22 PM
Doug Stange's Evil Twin
USER SINCE 9/25/15

"Doc and Kaz have done more to properly manage resources than dnr ever has."

Funniest thing I have ever read on Lake Link.

9/11/21 @ 9:33 AM
USER SINCE 2/16/17

Sorry Doug not Kaz,

I guess you cant see how politics by dnr is being influenced by the governor, outside groups. Look at wolf and deer management.  At least Doc, Kaz and other board members are doing what is right for the resources and the hunter to improve things. The failed DNR and others are doing all they can to ruin deer hunting and mismanage wolves and other wildlife, such as bobcat. They push to issue way to many antlerless tags and issue way not nearly enough wolf, bobcat or bear tags. Doc and Kaz have done more to properly manage resources than dnr ever has.

9/11/21 @ 6:41 AM

Dr. Prehn has the legal right to retain his chair until his replacement has been confirmed by the senate.   The senate delay in holding a confirmation hearing is pure partisan politics.    They do not want to lose GOP majority on the NRB.  

I despise partisan politics.   Our loyalty is to a nation, not a political party.

9/10/21 @ 9:19 PM

Doug you must have forgotten when the other party ran to Illinois when they didn't want to take up a vote a few years back.  Happens both ways. Short memory, or only choose to only remember what works best for your team?

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